Click on Pages in the menu at the top on the back-end of AgendaWorx.
Click on Add Page at the top in the orange bar.
Give the page a name next to Page Name *.
Click tab on your keyboard or click in the next box: Unique URL Name *
AgendaWorx will show you whether that name is available.
If you want to restrict access to a specific group, so that only certain people can see your page, you can do that by limiting it to a group next to: Limit To Group. Click on the drop down and select your user group. This means that only members of that committee or user group will be able to see that library page on AgendaWorx.
Click on Save.
Pages are always sorted alphabetically.
How to create menu items on AgendaWorx
To create a new menu item, go to Menus in the menu at the top on the back-end of AgendaWorx.
Decide where you want the new menu item to be. You can either change an existing one or create a new one. To add a menu on the same level, click on the straight arrow. The one with a elbow arrow will add it as a sub-menu item. You can also click on New Menu at the top, in the orange bar, which will add a menu item to the bottom of the list.
Add a link name (it can be the same as your page name if you prefer).
Under Category, Own URL, you can link it to your own URL. For example, if you want to link it to the Microsoft website, you can paste the URL in there.
If you want to link it to an AgendaWorx page, select Agenda User in the drop down list next to Category.
You will see a list of all the pages next to Link to Page. Find your page, click on it.
Scroll down, and click Save.
It is as simple as that. When you go to the front end, you will see your page as well as your link.
How to move a menu item:
You can drag and drop menu items to move them. Just make sure your cursor is in the white space to the left of the Menu column.
You can also move them by clicking on the pencil next to the menu item.
Change the menu item that it needs to fall under in Sub-link To:
Scroll down and click on Save
How to link library pages to a menu items on AgendaWorx
Click on Menus in the menu at the top on the back-end of AgendaWorx.
Under Category, Own URL, you can link it to your own URL. For example, if you want to link it to the Microsoft website, you can paste the URL in there.
If you want to link it to an AgendaWorx page, select Agenda User in the drop down list next to Category.
You will see a list of all the pages next to Link to Page. Find your page, click on it.
Scroll down, and click Save.
Easy! When you go to the front end, you will see your library page when you click on your menu.
How to drag and drop file into a library in AgendaWorx (3 min)
It's super easy to drag and drop files into a library on the front end of AgendaWorx.
Go to the library page on the front end that you want to add files to.
Find the files on your computer. You can select as many as you want.
Drag and drop them straight into the box at the top: To load files in a new block below Drop file(s) here. You can also just click on Select Files, if you prefer not to drag and drop.
Type a block name. A block is your way to clump your files together in a way that makes sense to you. You can give it the name of a year, or a reading room, or all the files for an event, anything, you decide.
Click on Save.
How to add files to a current block
Locate the block you want to add files to.
Click on TOP or BOTTOM to show AgendaWorx whether it must add the files to the top or the bottom of the list. Important: You have to do this before you drag the files into the block.
Just drag the files into the block.
Click on Add Files
How to create a new block
Drag and drop them straight into the box at the top: To load files in a new block below Drop file(s) here. You can also just click on Select Files, if you prefer not to drag and drop.
Type a block name.
Click on Save.
How to change or move blocks
To move blocks in an AgendaWorx library, click on the Up or Down arrows.
Click on the dustbin to delete the block with all the files.
Click on the pencil to edit the block title.
How to change or move files
To move files in an AgendaWorx block in the library, click on the Up or Down arrows.
Click on the dustbin to delete the file.
Click on the pencil to edit the file name and to replace the file in the AgendaWorx library.
How to view what the AgendaWorx library page will look like for users.
Click on [preview in new tab] to view the page as your users will see it.
It will open in a NEW BROWSER TAB. Just close the tab when you are done.
How to link a file in the library to an agenda or minutes on AgendaWorx
Just right click the file and select Copy Address
Paste that url into your minutes or agenda with the hyperlink button, just like you usually do when adding a link to a Word document.
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