AgendaWorx Security

AgendaWorx, agenda software, is all about security.

We wanted to create a viable solution that eliminates paper, but also saves time and money. But, because of the need for privacy, the solution had to be secure: agenda  packs  are,  by  nature, strictly confidential.

AgendaWorx prides itself on its stringent cyber security measures and we are more than happy to advise as follows:

What you need to know:

  • All the agenda content, as well as any documents hosted on the site are fully encrypted. 
  • The website is password-protected with user registration and authentication. The administrator can manage the reset of passwords and user access via the CMS
  • The tool will be hosted on an external web server but will be closed for search engines (such as Google).
Our Security Protocols

All the information and all documents loaded on AgendaWorx are encrypted with 256 bit: AES-256-CBC encryption. Once you download a document, the document is unencrypted for you to view and re-encrypted once uploaded. This includes the audio recording files.
AgendaWorx is hosted on a domain with a security certificate which protects the data whilst being transferred from the server to the user. https://
Comprehensive IT risk assessments were done by three large insurance companies and an international auditing firm.  

Penetration testing by a third party CREST certified firms are done annually.  The testing firm aligns with international best practices such as PTES, OWASP, OSSTMM, and NIST.  

inSite also does in-house penetrative and vulnerability assessments continuously to ensure the system is secure.  These are scheduled with every software update as well as monthly.
User authentication allows for user login with a username and password.  Due to stringent security measures, all users will be forced to change their password the first time that they log in.  These passwords must contain at least 14 characters, at least one uppercase letter, one lower case letter and at least one digit.  The users are also not allowed to use consecutive numbers such as 123 or 765 in their passwords.  Administrators can also force additional password changes should they assess there to be a password risk for a particular user or client.
Support: The Recovery Time Objectives (RTO) and the Recovery Point Objectives (RPO) have been defined and set out in our Terms of use.  An incidence report is kept for any and all support incidents.

AgendaWorx is hosted on a dual server.  If one of the servers falls over, the other one is immediately available.  

Agenda software features

Click here to download our security policy

AI can create, explain, summarise and calculate on your documents.

AgendaWorx AI can create your action report from your minutes with one click.

Let Aila AI create your RESOLUTION

How to drag and drop files on to library pages

How I can save time and money preparing for meetings? - Tell me more:

How can we help?

You are welcome to use the LiveChat (see this icon below right live chat ) on this page or contact us below.


t. +27 10 476 2131


WHATSAPP: +2779 520 7167

If it is after hours, we will get back to you as soon as we are in the office.


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